Frequently Asked Questions

You may engage a lawyer to assist with your divorce at any point in time. It is however important to note, that divorce matter can get more complicated, and harder for a lawyer to assist you in the later stages of a divorce proceedings. As such, it is always advisable to see a lawyer at an early stage or before the divorce application.

Usually not. It very much depends on the level of complications in the divorce proceedings. At A Rohim Noor Lila LLP, we believe and always will advise our client in the most cost-efficient manner.

In Singapore, Muslims are subject to Syariah Law. In cases of asset(s) or propert(ies) transfer, there is a requirement for the preparation of Nuzriah or Nazah Document, as well as Hibah Document. Nuzriah is a vow to Allah SWT to transfer the ownership of asset(s), Hibah is a gift made during the lifetime of the giver.

We strongly advise to drop us a call / email / through our enquiry form to make an appointment to ensure that our lawyers are available.